Wednesday 29 June 2011

Science multiple choice questions for CPE students

1. How many permanent teeth does an adult have in all?
A 8                           B 20                   C 32                          D 40
2. Which one of the following is formed when water evaporates?
A Fresh water         B Ice                 C Solution                 D Water vapour
3. What is the function of the seed in a plant?
A It carries out photosynthesis.                 B It germinates to produce a new plant.
C It carries water from roots to leaves.       D It holds the plant in the soil.
4. Which one of these animals lives in water?
A Butterfly              B Goat                C Octopus                D Sparrow
5. Which forms of energy are obtained from the sun?
A Heat and Light                                         B Heat and Movement
C Movement and Chemical                             D Sound and Light
6. Which one of the following is a property of air?
A It contracts on heating.        B It contracts on cooling.
C It expands on cooling.           D It is made up of carbon dioxide and water vapour only.
7. What should you do regularly at night before going to sleep?
A Brush your teeth                       B Consume fizzy drinks
C Eat sweets                                 D Wear tight clothes
8. Which type of material allows only some light to pass through it?
A Man made             B Opaque                C Translucent                  D Transparent
9. Which one of the following materials is usually used to make kitchen utensils?
A Paper                  B Wool                    C Silk                            D Stainless steel
10. A tree is a living thing.Which one of the following is a characteristic of a living thing?
A It breathes.                               B It gives shade.
C It is green.                                 D It moves in the wind.
11. Which one of the animals  produces wool?
A Cow                    B Deer                     C Dog                            D Sheep
12. Which one of the following materials is man-made?
A Sand                    B Wood                   C Plastic                       D Rock
13. Which type of food do herbivores feed on?
A Plants                   B Animals                C Insects                      D Plants and animals
14. Which one is a common cause of tooth decay?
A Going to the dentist regularly                 B Brushing teeth regularly
C Using toothpaste to clean teeth             D Microbes growing on food left on teeth
15.  Which process causes clouds to form droplets of water?  
A Condensation               B Evaporation
C Freezing                      D Melting
16. Which one is a disadvantage of electricity?
A It can be transformed into light energy     B It can cause electric shock
C It can be transformed into sound energy    D It can be transmitted over long distances
17. Which part of the plant holds it in the soil?
A Leaf                     B Root                      C Fruit                        D Stem
18. What do the octopuses lose during drying?
A Air                      B Salt                       C Sugar                        D Water
19. From where do fish obtain oxygen for breathing?
A Air dissolved in water                                  B Air above water
C Salts dissolved in water                               D Animals in water
20. Which energy change occurs in the fan?
A Electrical energy to chemical energy            B Light energy to electrical energy
C Electrical energy to movement energy          D Light energy to chemical energy
21. The seeds are found in the
A leaves.                     B stem.                      C fruits.                     D roots.
22. Which one of the following insects helps to pollinate flowers?
A Cockroach                B Butterfly               C Housefly                  D Mosquito
23. Impermeable boots are made of
A plastic.                      B silk.                C sponge.                    D wool.
24. Tooth decay can be caused by consuming
A too much milk.                                    B too much water.
C too many sweets.                                D too many vegetables.
25. Cotton is used to make the nappy because it
A absorbs water.                                   B dissolves easily.
C is elastic.                                            D is impermeable.
26. In an electric circuit, which one of the four parts provides chemical energy?
A Bulb                          B Battery                                                             
C Switch                       D Wire
 27. Which one of the following dissolves in water to form a solution?
A Plastic beads                             B Glass beads
C Rock sand                                   D Glucose powder
28. A fish breathes through its
A fins.                        B gills.                  C scales.                        D tail.
29. Mango is an example of a food for health. One good example of a food for growth is
A milk.                          B rice.                C sugar.                       D watermelon.

31. Which of the following aquatic animals is a mammal?
A Dolphin                 B Octopus                  C Shark                        D Tuna
32. Burning of leaves causes
A air pollution.                 B infectious diseases.
C noise pollution.             D water pollution.
33. An instrument that is used to measure atmospheric pressure is the
A anemometer.                B barometer.           C thermometer.         D wind vane.
34. Silkworms feed on
A banana leaves.                      B cabbage leaves.
C mulberry leaves.                   D strawberry leaves.
35. The process by which rocks are broken down by the action of rain, sun and air to form soil is known as
A drying.                 B erosion.                   C rusting.                  D weathering.
36. A metal which is light, strong and does not rust is
A aluminium.            B copper.                    C iron.                      D steel.
37. Which of the foods  help to protect us from diseases?
A Chocolates           B Fizzy drinks             C Fresh fruits         D Sweets

38.The clothes will dry most quickly on
A a cold and rainy day.                                 B a cold and sunny day.
C a hot and rainy day.                                   D a hot and sunny day.
39. The main function of a flower is
A to carry out photosynthesis.                     B to produce fruits and seeds.
C to hold the plant in the soil.                      D to germinate to produce new plants.
40.Which one of these appliances transforms sound energy into electrical energy?
A Electric iron                      B Radio                     C Table lamp               D Telephone
41. To make concrete we need cement, water and
A salt.                                  B sand.                      C sugar.                       D soil.
42. Which of these materials is produced by an animal?
A cotton.                       B rubber.                        C silk.                           D nylon.
43. One function of the stem is to
A absorb water from the soil.                                 B hold the plant in the soil.
C carry food to other parts of the plant.              D produce fruits and seeds.
44. During the life cycle of a butterfly, which one of the following feeds on leaves?
A Egg                       B Caterpillar                   C Pupa                             D Butterfly
 45. One source of energy which causes pollution is
A falling water.            B the wind.                       C the sun.                     D firewood.
46. One way to protect people against infectious diseases is by
A contamination.           B condensation.               C purification.              D vaccination.
48. Which of these is burnt to produce electricity?
A Bagasse                   B Fertiliser                        C Molasses                    D Scum
49. An object made of glass is dangerous because glass
A is flexible.                B is waterproof.           C breaks easily.              D melts easily.
50. Chlorine is added to drinking water to
A kill germs.                 B remove mud.              C remove pesticides.       D kill insects.
51. Which part of the plant produces fruits ?
A Flower                    B Leaf                    C Seed                          D Stem
52. Which one of the following carries water from the roots to other parts of the plant ?
A Flower                     B Fruit                  C Seed                       D Stem
53. Salt is obtained when the water
A condenses.                B evaporates.      C freezes.               D melts.
54. Which one of the following uses energy from the sun to make its own food ?
A Fish                      B Insect                C Plant                    D Rock
55. Both the kettle and the iron work by changing electrical energy into
A heat energy.          B light energy.       C movement energy.        D sound energy.
56. Which animal does not live in the same habitat as the others ?
A Butterfly                B Fish                 C Honeybee                     D Grasshopper
57.     In Rodrigues, lemons are preserved by
A       canning.                 B        drying.                 freezing.              D       pickling.
58.     Which one of the following is a well-balanced meal ?
A       Bread, fish, cabbage and fruits.             B   Bread, potatoes, carrots and fruits.
C        Rice, lentils, fish and meat.                   D. Bread, potatoes, macaroni and fruits.
59.Which one of the following foods belongs to the group of foods for growth?     
A     Honey.                   B         Chicken.                 C        Mangoes.      D       Potatoes.
60. In Rodrigues at Anse Quitor, electricity is generated by             
A       water.                   B       wind.                      C       oil.                D      bagasse.
61.     Which one of the following sources of energy does not cause pollution?
A       Coal.                     B         Oil.                       C         Wind.            D      Wood.
62.     Salt is sold in packets. To keep salt dry, the packet is made of
A       cotton.                 B         paper.                  C                    plastic.       D       silk.
63.     Which one of the following is not an insect ?                   
A       Mosquito.               B        Cockroach.             C        Spider.        D       Butterfly.
64. Which one of these animals reproduces by laying eggs?
A       The bat.                B      The lizard.             C         The sheep.      D    The whale.  
65.     Crocodiles are animals which have
A       gills for breathing.                       B    milk to feed their young.
C        scales on the body.                       D    two legs.
66.     The rarest bird in Mauritius is the
A       kestrel.                                      B      Mauritius parakeet.
C        pink pigeon.                                D     cardinal.                
67. A bird which has become extinct (no longer exists) in Mauritius is the
A       cardinal.             B        duck.                    C         sparrow.                D       dodo.
68.     Animals which have hairs on their body and which give milk to their young are
                mammals.     B        birds.                    C        reptiles.              D insects.
69.    A bat is said to be a mammal because
A       it has two legs.                                    B      it has two wings.
C        it gives birth to its young.                   D      it has no feathers.
70.     Which one of the following animals lives in the soil?
A       Bat.                        B       Butterfly.           C          Earthworm.            Monkey.
71.     When you run faster you breathe quickly, so your body can produce more
          A       blood.           B        energy.        C        food.            D       oxygen.
72.     Air is polluted by harmful
A.      gases                              B.       plants            C.     insects        D.      animals
73.     Which one of the following fires can be extinguished by water?
          A       Fire in a frying pan.                            B        Fire in a filling station.
          C        Fire in an oil tanker.                             D     Fire in a wooden house.
74.     Which one of the following materials will not burn?
A       Alcohol.               B          Brick.                   C         Coal.              D      Wood.
75.     Pressure of air is measured by a
A       rain gauge.           B         thermometer.          C      barometer.    D      wind vane.
76. The use of pesticides in a vegetable garden near a river can be harmful as pesticides may
A       destroy weeds.                            B     increase soil erosion.
C        pollute the water.                        D    reduce the amount of water.
77.     ...................... is used to make a raincoat, because it is impermeable.
A.      Cotton         B.       Silk                 C.   Plastic                   D.      Flannel
78.     When warm, humid winds go up, they cool down and form .......................
A       rain             B        clouds            B      vapour                    D      steam
79.     The rivers of Mauritius take their source mostly from the .................                     
A       mountain ranges.                        B       Central Plateau.    
C        Northern Plain.                         D       reservoirs.
80. Which one of the following birds is protected by law?
A.      Bulbul              B.        Myrnah              C.      Sparrow          D.   Pink Pigeon
81. All insects have …………………….. pairs of legs.
A.  2                      B.  3                              C. 4                               D.  6  
82. Human beings have ………………….. sets of teeth during their lifetime.
 A.  1                     B.  2                             C. 3                             D.  4 
83. Most of the water on Earth is in the………….. state.
A.  solid                B.  liquid                        C.  Gas                         D.  cloud
84. A fish breathes in air through its
A.  lungs               B.  gills                         C.  nostrils                     D.  mouth
85. The teeth at the back are large and flat and they are used to ………….. food
A.  bite               B.  cut                          C.  tear                           D.  crush
86. Which material is obtained from a plant?
A.  leather          B.  rubber                    C.  silk                             D.  wool
87. Milk, juice, oil and water are all liquids. Which statement is true for all liquids?
A.  All liquids are colourless.                                  B.  All liquids have fixed volumes.
C.  All liquids have fixed shapes                            D.  All liquids taste sweet.

87. We should observe some precautions before buying a canned food.
      Which one of these is not important?
A.  checking if the can is beautiful                        B.  checking if the can is damaged
C.  checking if the can is rusted                             D.  checking the expiry date.

88. Germs change the bits of food stuck between the teeth into a substance called
A. plaque                          B. enamel                            C. acid                           D. floss

89. Birds do not feed on
A. flowers                        B. insects                           C. seeds                   D. feathers

90. When a candle burns it produces
A. carbon dioxide only                            B. oxygen                  
C. water vapour only                               D. carbon dioxide and water vapour

91. A material which allows some light to pass through it is said to be
A. translucent                 B. transparent                    C. opaque                       D. plastic

92. Fuels are burnt to get
A. sound                          B. Petrol                            C. gas                             D. energy

93. The fish swims with the help of its
A. scales                         B. tail                                C. fins and tail                  D. gills

94. The group of animals comprising reptiles only is
A. tortoise, dolphin, snake                                       B. Whale, lizard, crocodile
C. Cockroach, dragonfly, mosquito                           D. lizard, crocodile, tortoise
95. Heating water in solar-water heaters
A. does not cause pollution                                       B. causes pollution
C. produces toxic gases                                            D. affects one’s health

96. From which animal is silk obtained?
A. bird                          B. crocodile                 C. silkworm                     D. earthworm

97. Which of the following grows well in deserts?
A. The lotus                   B. The mangrove              C. The fir                     D. The yucca

98. The push of air inside a balloon is called
A. atmospheric pressure           B. deflation            C. inflation                 D. air pressure

99. Corals live in
A. in cold and muddy water                                       B. at the mouth of rivers
C. in clear, shallow and warm water                           D. in limekilns
100. During the night a plant takes in
A. carbon dioxide                     B. nitrogen                  C. oxygen                   D. hydrogen